Мессенджер с шифрованием Telegram HD - что скажете?


8 Янв 2017
Детище Павла Дурова, по ссылкам в клирнете https://telegram.org/ , википедия , особенно заинтересовала такая возможность, как "secret chat", инфа с faq офсайта:

Q: What if I’m more paranoid than your regular user?

We've got you covered. Telegram’s special secret chats use end-to-end encryption, leave no trace on our servers, support self-destructing messages and don’t allow forwarding. About the only thing secret chats don’t have is cloud storage — they can only be accessed on their devices of origin.

Дальше всё о секрет чатах:

Secret Chats
Q: How are secret chats different?

Secret chats are meant for people who want more security than the average fella. All messages in secret chats use end-to-end encryption. This means only you and the recipient can read those messages — nobody else can decipher them, including us here at Telegram. Messages cannot be forwarded from secret chats. You can also order your messages to self-destruct in a set amount of time after they have been read by the recipient. The message will then disappear from both your and your friend's devices.

One last difference between secret and ordinary chats in Telegram is that secret chats are not stored in our cloud. You can only access messages in a secret chat from their device of origin.

Q: How do I start a secret chat?

Start a new message (tap the icon in the top-right corner in Messages). Then ‘New secret chat’.

Remember that secret chats are device-specific. If you start a secret chat with a friend on one of your devices, this chat will only be available on that device. If you log out, you will lose all your secret chats. You can create as many different secret chats with the same contact as you like.

Q: How do self-destructing messages work?

The Self-Destruct Timer is available for Secret Сhats. To set the timer, go to Secret Chat Info (tap the small picture in the top-right corner of the chat screen), then Set Self-Destruct Timer to a desired time limit. The timer is applied to a message the moment it is displayed on the recipient's screen (two green ticks). As soon as the time runs out, the message disappears from both devices and leaves no trace.

Please note that the timer only applies to messages that are sent after the timer was set. It has no effect on earlier messages.

Q: What‘s this ’Encryption Key' thing?

When a secret chat is created, the participating devices exchange encryption keys using the so called Diffie-Hellman key exchange. After the secure end-to-end connection has been established, we generate a picture that visualizes the encryption key for your chat. You can then compare this image with the one your friend has — if the two images are the same, you can be sure that the secret chat is secure and no man-in-the-middle attack can possibly succeed.

Q: Why not just make all chats ‘secret’?

The idea behind Telegram is to bring something more secure to the masses, who understand nothing about security and want none of it. Being merely secure is not enough to achieve this — you also need to be fast, powerful and user friendly. Telegram is a secure and powerful alternative to mass market messengers and a fast and user-friendly alternative to secure messengers. Hence the two types of chats that we have: ordinary chats and Secret Chats.

The important thing to remember is that all Telegram messages are always securely encrypted. The difference between messages in Secret Chats and ordinary Telegram messages is in the encryption type: client-client in case of Secret Chats, client-server/server-client for ordinary chats. This enables your ordinary Telegram messages to be both secure and available in the cloud so that you can access them from any of your devices — which is very useful at times.

Единственный косяк - это регистрация по номеру мобильного. С одной стороны. С другой - какая разница, если шифрование, которое никто не вскроет... А беспокоиться по поводу того, что Дуров может сливать инфу куда-либо, по-моему не стоит, учитывая политику ВКонтакте того же (до того, как его стали нагибать и в конце-концов отобрали у Дурова), да и вообще его настрой аполитичный "либертарианский"... Этот проект мессенджера, в отличии от соц.сети, как я понимаю, полностью под контролем братьев Дуровых.

Что думаете? Может стать заменой PGP или OTR шифрованию в жабе етц?